Monday, September 17, 2012

I think i have sixth sense

In my dream the night before I was fighting three bitches, and what did I end up doing yesterday? Fighting three bitches! I need to find a better way to deal with stuff though because last night all I wanted to do was bash somebodies head in, and this was going through my mind
I just needed to scrap, sometimes you feel like that, and all you wanna do is punch something or someone in the face. And then as if  real life bullshit isn't enough I have to deal with online bullshit. Fuck it. No bitch assedness.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Udoli: What is was, is, and isn't.

OK if I can expand on what Monisha/Dessie is saying, I have to add that right here lately Udoli truly has become a subject that has elevated quickly. Over night we went from being damn near inactive to gaining major recognition both good and bad (see here>> and here>> I won't say it's undeserved, because everybody is entitled to their opinions, and we did inherit the old generations definition udoli when we began to make it into something new, so we knew what we were getting into when we jump started it again.

If you've been following the udoli page at all you'll see that we've had a lot of discussions on cultural appropriation, and how to really hold true to the definition of udoli (that we appreciate many different cultures) Many of our discussions have been fun, but they have also been laced with drama that, but the head ache has been for a good cause. We are defining udoli as TRUE appreciation not just girls drawing on whiskers and slapping on a Josie and the Pussy cats costume, and calling ourselves tribal anymore (while that  being said it is cute) but it's also not true appreciation. We are researching, learning, defining, and discussing. It is, and has been, a difficult journey, but we would not be sticking by it if we did not believe in our cause and believe in what udoli could be. 
When something begins to gain recognition it has haters and appreciators. It is what it is and we're just taking the good with the bad. Take it as you will appropriation, appreciation, cute, ugly, beautiful, stupid, silly, adorable, whatever. These girls are working extra hard, but we're not out to please the world we are aiming to please ourselves, and we won't stop until we get it right.

Interested in learning more? Follow these links>>>
Hope you enjoyed the post! ^__^

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

My style inspirations Pt. III (cholas)

Cholas inspire me BIG TIME!! Especially this one. <<<Ms. Krazie is so real that I am requiring you to listen to this song, and watch her vids
She is so down to earthand also tries to keep a relationship with her fans.
<<<This is Mona aka Sad girl and YES she is a Japanese chola, but she ROCKS, I woudn't be putting her here if she wasn't legit as hell. 
She has genuine interest and passion in the chola life style (the japanese, man they try anything!)
Anywho, I love cholas because they put so much work into their makeup it is on POINT.

Old school cholas or "pachucas" as they're called

Their makeup is heavily influenced by drag queens
The chola trend has pretty much all but died out. I'm not saying I agree with this lifestyle (quite the contrary!) but I LOVE this fucking style!Chola Hair Dos
Chicana Love (El Rio) Tags: japanese homegirl chicana purikura chola cholas  hybridityChola Por Vida (El Rio) Tags: portrait art club print homegirl japantown ramirez purikura mayra cholaThe Cube (El Rio) Tags: japanese homegirl chicana purikura chola cholas  hybridity
^^^yes it's chola purikura!

It's street as hell, but done right it's also hella feminine and fierce.
Just a nod to the generation that started it all: Pachucas and pachucos
“La Dora” wears a zoot suit with huarache sandals, while others wear hairstyles and clothes popular among Mexican-American women. (Lowrider 2, no. 6)
Yes, old school gangster girls. (gangster girls have alwaysfascinated and terrified me)
Anywho I am totally fascinated by this subculture. I'm inspired by their extreme makeup, and life style, but I don't want to go to jail..or get shot, so I'll admire from afar! Anywho, I hope you all enjoyed this. I'll see you next time.

My style inspiration Pt. II (All about b-gyaru)

Old school hiphop, hip-pop, and R&B inspires me especially for b-gal and b-kei.

I said it before, and I'll say it again: black girls dressed so adorably in the early 2000s and late 90s. Like before Nivea became just another one of Wayne's baby mama's, she looked like this>>>watch it, this is not a suggestion, it's a requirement.
I love Japanese R&B, hiphop, and rap because I feel like they've captured some of that flare and fun that oldschool hiphop in the U.S. had, and lost.

Hip-hop style is all about sexiness, flare, and retaining a bit of class with a hood/urban twist. I can't wait to see that return more and more.

We are deff recapturing that in some aspects, but I'd love to see it return to it's glory days>>>

So I hope you guys enjoyed this b-gal is something close to my heart because I grew up watching my older cousins and the girls on 106 and park dressing like this and just DREAMING of the day that I could pull off this kind of look :) 'till next time~